Saturday 25 May 2013

Friendly Stranger


After our lovely walk on the beach, we encountered the same fella who chatted to us the other day, he works near Cosy corner. He offered to fill up our water containers with rainwater then bring it back to us the following morning, when he was working again, sick of drinking tap water we kindly accepted. We carried on with the rest of our day, and had an early night, as he was due to arrive about 7 am. So alarm set we went to bed, and it was a cold night!!!

We awoke to the sun, and i stayed in bed until the alarm went off (brrr). Then Mark arrived with our water and after more chatting he invited us to his house to use his washing machine, and have some showers!!! Can you believe it!! So we t'd up a time to meet him after work. Nick had another fish and i tidied up inside. One the road and tuned into channel 40 we had a guided tour back through the out skirts of Albany.

Once we popped in some washing I showered, best shower ever (it had been tooo long) then nick was in. We both got along well with Mark and chatted and the girlie's were impressed to be able to run around a back yard and sniff Millie, their dog who stays with grandma during work. Once we had 4 loads through (there was still more, but i didnt want his to think we were taking the piss) We took him out for fish n chips for lunch, he drove and we ALL got to go for a drive, we ate at the amazing Emu cove, which is Albany's marina. When we returned we packed up all our washing and Mark loaded us up with home grown produce; lemons, chilli's, capsicum & bay leaves, and we were on our way.

We did a little last minute stock up in Albany (late night shopping thursday) and splurged by going to Dan Murphys and getting some grog!!! Then we headed back to cosy corner for the night.

We moved onto Lowlands beach where Nick did some rock fishing, and we ALL accompanied him to the rocks, because rock fishing is dangerous. They had an silent sentinel on the rocks, in case there was any trouble, which was reassuring. I'm just not too sure how i would have gotten to it if i needed it, being located so high up on the rocks. Was great to lie down on the rock, get some sun, read my book and watch Nick doing what he loves. The beach was a funny one too, because you had to walk down this little pathway and down a granite rock, then hurry across the sand, before a new wave came in and covered the "beach access" path with sea water. I took some pictures...

Well we decided that we would camp at the top of the road which was somewhat like a lookout for the night. We had the top of the sand dune to block the back wind and we thought we would hit the red wine.... well needless to say was a great night, and we slept well...

We woke up bleary eyed, with headaches to match but had this view...


After a very slow start we slowly moved on to Lowlands beach, which a local told Nick about when they were talking in the morning. After dragging the snail through some tedious tracks (maybe i was still a little bleary eyed) we set up at lowlands middle beach, and i got some more sun, we both had an arvo nap, and Nick some more fish... 2 Salmon and 3 Tommy's, that was his dinner taken care off, and i had a lovely Zucchini and potato soup (thanks Auntie Pam for the instant Potato, worked a treat in soup). After watching John Carter the movie which we both enjoyed and a Documentary about the Bermuda Triangle we slept.

This is the view from our car...
 Walkway down to rocks and beach

Woke up to an amazing Dolphin display to keep entertained...

Then we need to be in Denmark by Wednesday night to meet Basil our host for WWOOFing! So we have a couple of spare days then we will be setting up for a while...

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