Saturday 11 May 2013

Head West

We had our official first overtake today 1/5/13, we were so impressed we started a tally inside the car window, don't think it will grow too much!!! We even took photographic evidence, too bad when we overtook, it was a grey grandma and grandpa couple.. but still we'll take it and start the tally

We were headed to the boarder but thought we'd stop at this very beautiful truck parking stop, and take the girls for a walk down to the beach. It wasn't like cliff edges, but more like gently sloping mountains that we walked down. The girl's loved it, and we all needed a walk and stretch.

We rocked up at boarder village and played our hole of golf, we seem to be getting better as our scores were 6 over and 7 over par.

We sat and ate lunch on the ol' picnic table, and looked at the sign which had all the distances to destinations around the world. we pondered that we were still closer to Adelaide than we were to Perth. We ate the last of the veg and fruit we had and then we crossed the boarder , thru quarantine.

After turning our clocks back (the first lot of 45 minutes) at Eucla, we found our hole of golf, apparently at the beach, was very far inland, at a shooting club?? well titled the Nullabor nymph, we had lost all skill required by golf by this time, and ended up with 7 over par for Nick and 8 over par for me on a par4.

We were quite hot by this stage in the arvo,  the sun was hot and we were being welcomed into WA by great weather. We knew there was a beach in the distance, so we thought we'd drive round and locate a way there. We found some lovely sandstone ruins that had been engulfed by the sand.

Then thought we'd walk to the beach to have a dip. Well over a Km Later, with no water packed, two hot girlies, we thought we'd give up and turn back, we stumbled up a dune and saw the most beautiful beach in the distance. There was an old broken jetty with pelicans sitting on top of the pylons, and this turquoise water, and white, white sand. Needless to say we headed off with renewed vigor.
Of course someone had managed to get their 4x4 there, so we walked down the beach a bit and had a dip!!! Amazing, as we still hadn't had a shower since we left the caravan park, 6 days ago, and it was the first of may!

We left and trudged back through the dunes, and after taking the airstrip out (opps, you really couldn't tell, until we saw the "keep out" airstrip sign) were back on the main highway.

We stopped in for fuel at Mundabrilla and had to laugh at the corrugated bus, they were driving around with a couple of tires strapped to the back, sitting on top of rio iron, to get rid of the corrugations. They had bolted corrugated iron onto it, and it was just a good laugh.

We thought we had better find a spot to camp as we were feeling pretty wrecked from all our golfing efforts and laughing at the corri bus.

We got to Madura and played our next hole of golf at Brumby's run, we ended up going down hill again, 3over and 6 over for nick.

As we were driving along we noticed a one of a kind road sign...

We got to Cocklebiddy (hehe) and played at the Eagles Nest hole,we were both were back to fine golfing form, and managed to get on par and one over for Nick.

We than asked for the local word about going down to a spot called twilight cove, great fishing and lovely beaches( we had read) and we had planned to spend a few days there.With our mouths hanging open and drool coming out, once told how beautiful it really was, we were devastated to find that the track, albeit only 40km long, takes well over 2-3 hours, and is "extreme" according to the roadhouse couple, who were only there a week ago. We wouldn't/couldn't make it with our clearance, and being top heavy wouldn't help us out much.

At Caiguna we played 90mile straight where I was 2 over and nick 4 over par. We then "geared up" to drive Australia's longest straight road.

Into Belladonia, and we checked out the museum there, with all its bits of space junk, and claim to fame for the Skylab, and it falling in the area. We played our next hole of Golf, (at the Skylab hole- original) and had lunch on the picnic table. Here we found out that what I thought may have been a  Wood Sand club,was actually a "driver" (yeah one of those). Well Nick said he knew that, but i'm not too sure.

We stopped into Fraser range and played our next hole there, Sheeps back, was a very nice caravan park, like a little oasis when your driving through so much woodland, and Mallee scrub. The course was full of 3 corner jacks, and our shoes wee full of them. We even snuck an "official" stamp for the Nullarbor links.

We were exhausted and thought we'd pull over for the night, and re-coup. Takes alot out of you when your playing golf that well (haha). We set up camp, light a fire( as we are also very low on gas, so we have been cooking over fire if the weather permits) and attracted some crazy extra large ants and ome over sea's tourists. Once couple from Italy and the other from Finland. After an evening of sharing stories, and gaining their unique insight into Australians, and our culture ( like... its strange that we don't sell our grog in the supermarket, we must be alcoholics, as you sell it separately) We went to bed, and nick and I watched this documentary called "earthlings", well that was traumatic and I found it difficult to sleep after. Not a Documentary that I would recommend watching before bed, but a good one to watch another time. (thank Alex, loving all the crazy stuff you put on our hard drives)

Next day, the overseas tourists were up early, but we were a little slow to start. We really wanted to spend another night here, at this roadside stop, but we running low on water. We wanted to make it to Norseman, so thought that it being a Sunday we should aim to get there early so we could get the shops, incase they shut at 12, as most country communities do.

In we Roll, to the info Centre, where this lovely 'ol biddy tells us that the IGA is down the road, and when I ask her about showers she informs me that we can have a free one at Caltex. I had to restrain myself from dropping to the floor and singing hallelujah!! ( 11days)

After updating the blog we went to the IGA, and they were shutting so it was a snatch and grab. Then we had the best shower ever, filled up with fuel. (Got bowser swindled by this blue rinse grandma, who claimed she had filled up with our bowser so she paid $30 less) but lucky the Caltex bird didnt charge us extra and understood that blue rinse Grandmas can be nasty, I really think she fell for Nicks good looks.

We popped on some washing at BP, and for $3 got it all through (was a very big machine) and set off to play another hole of golf. We would be disappointed if you were a member of this club and had to pay green fees( loosely said, as the course was dirt). This course was FULL of prickles, and after we finished up 6 and 9 over for me (I blame the prickles), Nick lost a ball and was 8 over on the first. We spent half an hour picking out prickles. Nick decided the thongs weren't worth it, so we donated them to the club. (I figured it will be a while till we have another shower, we can get another pair on the road.

We found a lovely spot down the road, at another roadside park, and hung up the washing to dry with the late arvo sun. Then the freight train rolled past, and scared the bejesus out of us all. It only came through at 4am again, so it wasn't continuous.

We drove towards Kambalda and I noticed the diesel had gone quite down (1/4 tank) too fast, and I could smell it. After some investigating we discovered that we had popped a clamp. (Australian made one too). Nick set about fixing that, and I explored the roadside, where we found some crazy fungus.


After a few stops we established that we were all good, and the leak had stopped. We played our last hole of golf (4 over and 5 over for Nick) on a lovely course.

We refilled up the diesel at the 24hr fill, (151.1p/L) and I grabbed a few more supplies at the Woolworths! We were set, not to mention had spent the next weeks budget, when the current week, hadn't finished so we decided to set up camp at Cave Hill, and the Granite woodland discovery track and spend some time there.


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