Saturday 23 February 2013

Cygnet Oyster FUN

So after the thrills of Pt Arthur, we said our goodbyes and Nick and i headed down towards Cygnet way. We stopped at this lovely shot tower which was the tallest building of its kind back in 1870 or something, but felt a bit too tight to sit down and have a $16 devonshire tea, had an ultra friendly helpful dude give us some books and sort our "farm trail" out ( we had just found out that our first much anticipated WWOOFing gig was cancelled because the dude broke his ribs).( think some other sus stuff was going on there but wont go into it) so off we headed stopped at a sheep cheese farm, the lady was a full snob and her cheese was way overpriced!! but did get a cool sticker that says honk if you love cheese.... bahaha! its in the post eleanore!! found a great apple farm got some A grade juice, also stopped and picked some amazing blackberries off the side of the road ( lucky they hadnt been sprayed because that is just how our luck was going... read on)

this was the amazing beach at the centre of the oyster scandal

When the WWOOFing guy bailed on us he gave us some insider info on a "great" spot to camp. so off we go bout 6 kms outta Cygnet and find this amazing beach front spot. spent the night and the whole day and when we were out walking we spotted heaps of oysters. so of course nick picks some.... after the initial 4 or 5 he goes back for more and grabs another 20 or so,, couple for the dogs!  cooks em up munches em down (im on the spaghetti) and we settle down to watch the Rum Diary with good Ol Johnny Depp. we get half way thru it and it cuts out, only had the first half on the hard drive :( but nick is itchin like mad. he says my head feels like its on fire. turn on the light and his face is beet red and lift up his top and he is breaking out in a crazy rash ( nearly called u Dr Karl)Nick popped a couple of alergy tabs and we madly started packing up.

As Eleanore and Luke can Testify it takes us a hell of a while to sort our crap out and get on the road, nothing like a husband who is beet red, covered in bumps, itching like crazy and starting to tingle and swell up to get a girl motivated!!! i reckon we had it roughy chucked in the back of the ol snail in like 10 mins tops.then off we went towards Cygnet in hopes of finding some reception and answers.

we land in Cygnet boot up the internet which said to down Yakult etc for bad oysters i head into the IGA and after hastily grabbing a few things i headed up to the counter and asked if they knew anything bout te local oysters as my husband had eaten some and wasnt too well. she said have a look over there on the public notice board
this is what i found...........................
panic mode sets in, call the loccum Dr!!!
well as the DR said because Nick hadnt (basically) died yet not to really worry unless his face started swelling and to have a cool shower eat lots of probiotics and that he would be right!!
so we parked a couple of minutes out of town (full range of mobile reception) and camped the night. by the morning nick was much better and we decided to get the hell outta Cygnet!

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