Friday 1 February 2013

hey, so after many questions i will further explain what WWOOFING is. basically its an exchange. so you sign up, buy a book which has heaps and heaps of pople in it whio need a bit of extra help on their Organic farm. so you find one that suits or interestes you, or maybe in the location that you are heading. contact them have a yarn and sort out some dates etc. then when you get there you exchange 4-6 hrs work what ever they may need done for food and accomodation. i am sure we are going to meet some cool (and maybe not so cool) pps this way, but we will be gettin of the tourist trap and maating some locals and getting some inside knowledge on the areas we are travelling through.
the place we just got in at in a cert organic farm who does Permaculture and has vegie garden, sustainable /alternative living sounds kinda cool, not too sure what we are up for but will keep you posted.!!

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