Sunday 10 February 2013

what we have been up to lately

So what have we been doin you may ask....   well, let me see.... how can i forget.. i lost my Camera, sorry all those at Kazbo's 30th, all the photographic evidence is still contained?? but the benefit is that at least i t got lost in Tasmania, so hopefully the shame will be buried over here...

but back to the start, since i last was on here, which im sure you can see will be sporadically..

Nick and i did a bit of a tourist trip and checked out the Junee Caves, which is the largest underground cave system in Australia, goin for somethin like 30 kms underground, (we wernt feeling that adventurous to jump the barrier and check it out our selves, so we are just going to have to believe the sign.)
 We navigated our way to the big tree reserve. which holds some of the largest trees that nick and i had ever seen. Was absolutely amazing well worth the visit, surprising that we didnt run into any tourists there, but on the otherhand we got some great shots with the professional Camera,( first time its been bought out so far.... but i cant quite figure out how to get those pictures off the memory card, which is massive, not the normal SD size.) and got to relax and enjoy the sounds and the feeling of being alone in this very old special place.

we then cruised, on our way to discover Lake Pedder and lake Gordon. We came across the Florentine Base camp, and decided to stop and have a look at where all the protests are going on to stop the logging in the Florentine. im sure you have seen the news stories of people camping in the trees and fighting for this rainforest, starting back in 2005/6 well now i know why... 

we pulled up there bout 4:30pm and decided to take the dogs and ourselves to Churchhills Hut. this was the last known place that a Tasmanian Tiger was held after capture in the wild. i felt the need to go to this place
the above link is a map with all the beautiful rainforest walks available. why would you log this area??? its got such an amazing vibe to it, we have fallen in love.

it was about a 15km (3- 4hr)walk and we were racing the sun which sets round 8:30-9pm. so we checked our watches (round 5pm) packed up our torches, peanuts (thanks kaz and vik) water and laced up the boots and set off for one of the most demanding walks i have ever been on thru some some challanging terrain. climbing over multiple fallen trees, some were bigger than small cars. walking on old planks that had mossed over, and sometimes broke when you stepped on them, river crossings on old mossy trees, up and down mountains, walking thru bog and navigating on little coloured strips of plastic tied to random, occasional trees, no real map, just a picture that we had taken on the camera (which is on the link above) to give us the general direction and there were a few moments when we thought we were utterly lost, as there wasnt much of a track to follow. we passed through many different terrains also,there was rainforest with the moss and ferns. Arid sections and then full water bogged rainforest right next to rivers and creeks, even with all this it was an amazing journey, that we both thoroughly enjoyed. even though we kept wondering if we would actually make it and if we were on the right track??

We arrived.... thank god... at Churchhills hut. very picturesque in the middle of butt .... no-where, but i felt ... connected. And quietly said my appologies to the spirits of the Thylacine and felt ... better for it... not that it did much, but you know, it helped me.
there was a newspaper in there from 1956, and a few momentos. if we had bought sleeping gear we both would have considered sleeping there,( even with all the scary arse spiders) and it had been partially restored, so was in much better shape than we both expected.

we munched on some nuts and both contemplated how we were ever going to make it back, as it was nearly 7pm.? gave the dogs a massive drink of water then started the journey back. Much the same as the the way down, 'cept we were both pretty tired and not keeping up the stella pace like we had on the way down.

the trouble came on my first "stack" where i caught my foot not only on but in the gap on a piece of rotted wood and fell, lucky i fell the right way otherwise i would have snapped my knee. picked myself up then; not 10 mins further on, stacked it again but twisted/ sprained the ol ankle. still had 3/4 to go so tightened up the laces on my boots and carried on, nick holding both leashes.
i dont really think nick knew how much of an absolute klutz i am but he sure learned fast when i kept stackin it... i totally blame the fading light and the fact that i was on panadine forte (for my back) but still...
all went well i felt my left ankle swelling up as i continued to walk but had to toughen up (princess). we actually made good time on the way back, i think this was because we wernt searching for a track or a way to go.
we got back round 8:45 pm, as the sun was setting and nick heated up soup and we pretty much passed out.

woke up to an amazing bruise ( if you thought painball bruises were bad shouldve seen this one( and on that i still have dis-coloured skin on my thighs where the paintballs hit) covered my ankle and up my leg. THANK GOD i still had plenty of Panadine forte. this was Funny,took some of the pain away; Nick took shovel and crossed road to make his peace with nature and the dogs followed. (we were on the main road towards lake Pedder) next thing i hear a car coming, call the girls and delts comes, but cant see Sahara, as i hear the car get closer i look out the window and Sahara is standing on the side of the road next to where nick is just in a bit and doing his thing. this car slows right down, obviously wondering what a wild looking dog is doin standing on the road, cops a look-see then boots off.

made our way to the big in land dams and had a look. we arnt really to sure where we stand on this issue. it certainly has changed the landscape, messed with the animals and their habitats.... produces clean energy??

really not too sure...

anyways we kinda laid low for the next few days...

next we headed down to South Arm, what a lovely spot..... way away from all the fires. we pulled up at the RSL and immediatly had some heaps cool French travellers come ov, they had a dog Honey, who looked like Saharas sister. they got along, and we had some great company. sharing stories etc. picked honey up in a pound in WA and they have taken her around Australia with them abd have been on the rd for over 2 yrs, they want to take her home, so have to stay over here to save up enough for the 3 grand air fare to get her back. thats  puppy love!!!

 We went out and found an amazing beach called "roaring beach" and spent the arvo there. The water was too cold for me to swim in, but nick had a splash.


this bay was beautiful and not many people were around, so we got to enjoy it by ourselves for the arvo....

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