Tuesday 12 March 2013

Hello Victoria

So our first day in Victoria became "we love you Delta day"

So after a nasty crossing on the Spirit (rough waters and ocean view recliners i am still wondering why i chose to get them again, instead of a cabin, saved around $150 but a good nights sleep is worth that isn't it???) We arrived in Melbourne, 6am, had to wait for a "slow-poke" (could think of other better words to describe him) driving a Rav4 (sorry Kaz, it had to be a Rav4, didnt it??) to decide to come down and move his car, he held up half the ferry.
 First things we noticed getting off the Ferry were the Traffic and the flat landscape, two things that we hadn't missed, but we did notice that Diesel was 10c/L cheaper!!! We were both feeling pretty shabby and decided to look for  nice beach to hang out at and let the dogs have a run etc..... 
Well we rudely discovered that you need to pay to park at Melbourne's beaches.... WTF!!! We risked it (budget and all) and gave the girlie's a good run around, till we felt like we were  pushing our luck and decided to move on. Being hot weather on the 4th March we decided to look  round for a beach camp to spend the day/night....
 So we booted it outta the city and headed towards Warneet, on our way stopping in at the coast to discover Mangroves and more of the same.... finally got to Warneet, pretty Mangrove-y also but we cooked up some breakfast, more like morning tea, and had another play with the girlie's.
 We had pretty much decided we could do a night here,just had to be attentive and not let the dogs chase the shorebirds, who were chillin on the same beach, and have to travel large distances to nest. Nick was playin with Delta and discovered all these "blackhead" like thingies under her arm and a little bit on her belly... Panic mode kicked in!!!
Don't know if you can see them.... or really want to but this is what caused panic! 

We had heard of Ticks, and assumed that's what they were, but in SA we don't get em, and we had only really heard about Paralysis ticks from our Vet before we left (when we bought our doggy first aid Kit). So were on the net, bringing up pictures of ticks, and of course they were horror stories/ pictures, so..... more panic... Convayed Via the phone by ringing around,repeating the same long story trying to find a vet, so we could get it sorted.
 We eventually fund one and raced there to get in for a "last minute" apt.  They were really nice, still charged us $50 bucks, the "blackhead thingies" were bush ticks, that Delta had most likely caught of wild animals, none on Sahara though. We could treat with front line( which we had) and was suggested to get some tick collars( that actually work unlike flea collars... according to Mr Vet) Also to be on the safe side, wash bedding and jackets, i even asked about the chance they could transfer to Nicks hair (they couldn't) !! So off we went on a mission to buy tick collers, new "tick proof" pet bedding ie like canvas, and some shampoo to give 'em a good clean.
We were around Dandenong and wanted to hit the coast again, so headed off towards Lang Lang and Jam Jerrup (Mangroves) and with the heat pushing in (no air cond in the snail) we looked at the map read Barry's Beach. We thought thats a great place to aim, on the other side of Port, its called a beach (instead of weird names like Jam Jerrup) was a good 100km drive, we were both feeling pretty "rough" but really wanted to get to a beach. On the way we passed a sign saying Agnes falls, thought that cant be too bad,its still water, we can swim and cool down and as a bonus relax and get a little bit cleaner...( we were pretty smelly last shower over wk ago) ? We detoured 15Km out of the way to get there, and drove past an " unfriendly" looking local out for their evening walk at the falls. We finally arrive, full of hope and anticipation (im already washing myself ) and see big signs; no camping, no swimming!! Basically saying "The fun police rule this place". We had a looksee, was beautiful, but took no pictures :( we were beyond grumpy at that point... Headed on... long story short, the road called Barry Beach Rd had a big fat sign on it saying "no beach access"... again WTF we were starting to wonder about Victorians and Victoria was not treating us kindly, we wern't sure if we were delirious by this time approx 5:30pm and actually seeing these things...
We kept on and found a spot on the side of the road, one of those "rest stops" it had toilets, grass and a table, we were pumped, doesn't take much...?.
By this time all thought of being near water had vanished(was funny as we found the next morning, when we were driving out that we were camped by the Agnes river, behind the plants and bushes)

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