Thursday 6 June 2013

WWOOFing @ Denmark pt2

So after such a great afternoon, Ukulele Flash mob and all that,  we had been recommended by Mark (our Albany friend) to see his cousin play at the pub Tonight ( 1/6/13) When Basil gave us the fringe guide and we noticed that JR Bowles was playing we were IN. We arrived at the pub, and walked in to a wall of sound, it seemed like everyone was talking and no-one was listening to him play his wonderful blues music. We were very put off but kept on and at the end of his show he came straight up to us and we got talking (like everyone else). Ended up he has been travelling around and knows what its like to live "on the road" We exchanged numbers and  he offered us a place as well as a shower when we get up to Bunbury. ( Very cool, we hope to see him play live again) So we watched about half of Marks cousin's show then decided to bail, as the vibe in the pub sux.

The next day was our official day off WWOOFing, so after a well deserved sleep in we took the girlie's for a bike ride (till my arse became too sore and we turned back haha)

After a slow morning we had an arvo nap (yes really, its a Sunday) We were woken by Basil asking if we wanted a ride down to the café so check out his choir. How could we refuse, so off we go, and enjoyed the show they put on. The café was packed but had a good "vibe", and one of the ladies who is on the choir with Basil, Karen, invited us over for dinner Tuesday. She worked up in Ernabella for 7 years at ANTERP and her husband Gregor worked as the Dr for 4 years. So I was very excited to catch up and chat about the lands.

We had a couple of chill days, around Mia Mia community, just doing odds and ends. Nick worked on a chicken coop with Brad, I got my prune on with the vines out the back (until I discovered the wasp nest). We had lovely walks with the dogs, as Basil lives opposite some amazing walking trails, and just really enjoyed Denmark. We got to help dismantle part of the festival too. Basil gave us use of a little car to get around in too, so we were well and truly looked after.

I checked my leg on Tuesday and noticed a big fat tick feeding on it, and after a panic got Nick to help pull it off. I had also had a very restless night previous as I had a bight on the back of my knee, which wouldn't stop itching, this tick made me think that I may have been munched by a tick and accidentally itched it off or something and its head was still stuck in?? I did have a few extra bumps on my leg, so this tick may have had friends (eww)

We went to a lovely dinner on a cold, wet night with Karen and Gregor. (Who cooked amazing food for us fussy ones). They had some great stories to tell and some fantastic art to view. We were invited back over to have a traditional Japanese bath in the bath house, too. We spent the night talking and swapping stories, Gregor read an amazing poem called "the men that don't fit in" by Robert Service
and Karen appreciated my slightly burnt peanut butter cookies that I bought along to share. It was after 10pm when Basil said it was time to hit the road, so we could be well rested for Wednesday.

I wasn't moving Wednesday, I slept really poorly again, so just didn't get out of bed, till nearly 10am. Then I hauled ass and got a fair bit of work done to earn my keep. After a quite night and a lovely chat to Eleanore I hit the sack.

Well Thursday tree planting day ..... After breakfast we took the girls for a bike ride chase/run. Then we met Jackson, another volunteer and we all bundled up in the Troopie to go and plant 1200+ trees "green skills style".

Sahara even got close to Basil...

It was raining and wet, and I must admit I was a bit concerned that we would get drenched.  I had no idea what to expect, so thought I'd be on my knees, hands in the soil blah blah.. The weather cleared as we drove about 80 km out of town, and only had some light drizzle while planting.
Well was I wrong, we had special side buckets to put the tree seedlings in and Potti-Putki (?) yes strange name, but such a great invention. its the thing above that Nick is leaning on. Its kind on like a terminator gun, for tree's. It makes the hole, no bending over necessary, so its easy to plop the tree down the chute then just push the soil around with your foot to cover the base.

The first "base camp". We did have the girls with us, was difficult but  they enjoyed the walk. These were some of the trees..

This is Basil our wonderful WWOOFer host.

 You can see why it needed re-vegetation here.

Aww, play break

Hard days work, feeling satisfied that we planted so many trees today, it feels good, but I feel tired. Nick captured it well with this shot
After a great meal Nick went with Basil to participate in a men's group, and I sat by the warm fire soaking it up, as we are moving on tomorrow. We will miss Denmark, thanks Basil for opening up your home for us and being so accommodating for our dogs.

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