Saturday 24 August 2013

Gibb river road day 3 (16/8) &4 (17/8)


Gibb river road day 3 (16/8) &4 (17/8)

We decided early morning to stay at Apex creek another day, this enabled Nick to use the tyre repair kit given to him by John, and for us to spend some time with the girlies. We also did some boring housekeeping and washed a few clothes because of the fresh water creek nearby. After lunch we noticed Delta had been bitten by something on her bottom, right near the "poo shoot". We got out " first aid for dogs" book and our First aid kit, thanks Uncle Ken (best Vet ever) We cleaned it up, as it was quite swollen and gave her a antistamine and pain reief tablet (the bite itself was the size of a 5c piece and was swollen/red and stiff for a good 2 cm around that). By the afternoon it had popped (if your of a sensative nature dont read this next line) and gooey, bloody, puss came out for a few hours. We kept cleaning with salt water, and as the core was large, and in a "dirty" area, we decided to give her antibiotics too! We monitored her through the night. We were joined that night by another camper with a backpacker as a companion.

We set off Saturday 17th August keen and eager to see Bell gorge and with our tyre patched extremely well (or so we thought).  After a near miss with a donkey and a cow (and plenty of woofs to accompany, we travelled past Lennard Gorge and had been told by many its not really worth the effort. We wanted to walk to the bottom of the Bell gorge and get there early as it is a National Park again, and the girlies would have to stay in the car.




Well 50km from Apex creek, maybe 10km on the turnoff towards Bell Gorge, we get a flat, same back Tyre, as the day before. We worked out a quick action plan, me snatching the Jack from under my seat and giving it to Nick ASAP, to save unneccisary "jacking". This was at 8am ish. Tyre off (only lasted a day) patched tyre on 8:30am. We decided then, as it was cool morning, to break the bead/rim off the other spare which was flat (we had no more puncture repair goo left) and put our spare tyre on it! Well after getting it off the back and cleaning out all the bulldust we notice it has a friggin nail through it, YEP, right next to the sticker that says quality "used tyre warrenty ????? We have picture proof too! Anyways we went ahead with the process 9:15 am and checked it for leaks (sure enough the nail gave it a slow leak, but would be do-able, Nicks words, if required). Was re-assuring as mostly every car that passed us stopped, we almost considered putting up a sign, either saying "were OK" or "Nick needs a cold beer, you got one?" On the road again 9:30 am. We drive past the campsite we plan to hit up on the way out for a water fill and shower.

I kid you NOT, 10km down the road we hear that now all-so familiar noise again.... yep another puncture! We have punctured the patched tyre as well as blown out the patch job, back drivers side tyre isnt happy jan. Quick action plan, actioned. 9:45 am here we go again! We see people who stopped on their way in and have stopped at the campground, then have continued on to the George. Yep they have a laugh but offer assistance. Lucky we did the rim thing before, as we're both a bit hot and bothered now. Weather sitting around high 20's. Before you ask, we wernt doing maniac speeds, taking corners too fast and we had let the tyre pressure down (apparently hlps provent punctures from sharp rocks). 10:30am on the road again. We get to the gorge at 11am. After going real slow and having a laugh about our circumstance, an hoping we dont pop another tyre because were all out of spares!

Let me sum that up 3 tyres, 2 days driving, 2oo km in = yeah Gibb river road!!

Anyways we pack a bag and head for a trek to the gorge,

 its a 1.5km return walk to the top of the waterfall, then another Km return to get to the bottom. The sign said this was the "hairy section". The hairy section was below, this was at the top of the waterfall.





The sign was right and it was quite "hairy", but we managed, i should say I managed, Nick did just fine. was very steep climbing down huge rocks, but so worth it when you get to the bottom!


 After taking some speedy shots, all so eager to get wet, we jump in and have a swim around.

The water coming down the falls was really warm and the pool itself quite chilly. So refreshing aftr the last part of the walk! On the other side we noticed a really big lizzard, and a small one sunbaking on the rocks. After a bit we decided to get back to the car, and move on, to make sure we reached Imitji store at a reasonable hour, as it was Saturday.

We saw this sign as we approached....."we played guess the price.... how far can we bend over the barrel"

After purcasing a phonecard we called Mum and Dad, and asked them to check our bank account via net banking (last thing we want is to default on mortgage) all good there, so green light for tyres, we were expecting to get bent over, new tyres were $320 each fitted. This guy gets a lot of business out here he even has to direct the customers on the front fence of the store.



We ended up getting two seccond hand tyres for $140! Not too bad, and the fella gave us 10 more patch sticks. He also said about a Km down the road we can camp for the night and sort out the tyres, and give him the busted ones tomorrow. After another quick call to John and Diane to say hi, and update them, and a visit to the loo where I encountered a green tree frog living under the rim... I had to ask if it was real. We filled up and were told that Diesel is even more expensive at Mt Barnett.

We arrive at the spot after driving through a herd of cattle (lots of woof woofing)and notice a few girls sitting by the creek, Nick says to go say Hi and he'll take care of the tyres. After securing our girlies i jump out and establish they work at the APT travel lodge across the road, and we get chatting for a few hours.

 Nick busily works on the tyres, record time two tyres off the rims and two tyres on using tyre levers 40 min, Nick was very proud. Our tyre marks now look like a patch work quilt. When the girls go to leave they give us the lunch pack they made for themselves but didnt eat( no wonder they are all so skinny), so Nick gets a muffin, and we get some apples and fruitsalad. Lovely girls, they also invite us around tomorrow as the Imitji art centre is closed and they sell some of the local artwork.

After Sahara has watched all the cows with a amazed look we retire and head to bed (where im writing this from now) and wonder what our next few days will bring.

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