Thursday 25 July 2013

Q U O B B A blowholes and a whole lotta fun!!!

We finally packed up and moved on from Canarvon, only to head bout 80km away to check out these blowholes we had heard about, They were cool, but because the tide was low they weren't as spectacular as they could have been.

 This was the coast line near the blowholes.
This was one of the biggest Blow's, when we were there at the actual blow holes.

This sign was a timely reminder, as a tourist died last week fishing from the rocks.

This is the "chocolate fruit" or sapote, this one is green.

This is a ripe Sapote.. looks ugly
 What they look inside.... very yummy

Was kite weather....

The coast view from the lighthouse....

 It was a big walk for us all , this was from the top of the first sand dune....

Nick catching a ride with Mick to go fishing at the point. Much easier than walking (which we did yesterday) took about an hour each way trudging through the sand (maybe 5km) the dogs loved it, but was tricky when nick caught fish and had to keep it wet on the walk. Delta also dug up her first crab this day (it was a baby, and we put it back), and is now obsessed to dig up any hole we pass on the beach, or at least sniff it.

He came back with a few Travely, on a home made lure from a breadknife. The camp locals thought this was amazing, and offered him tools and stuff so he could make it pretty speccy. He became a bit of a fishing legend from this.
We went for a look at the Memorial.

Camp Quobba "goon sack alley"... on the was to the dunny

Caz the Spaz from Taz who was the camp host while Brett was away, in Fran the van.
 The boys with their Camera's I just had to grab a shot with my little digital from Cash converters.

Cricket our true friend from around Perth, giving us some lovely Relish.... mmmm (when we left she gave us another jar)
 Nick from Belgium, just worked for 10 months on the Great Gatsby film, as a graphic designer/ special effects with Baz and is now travelling around Australia, on a motorbike, eating nobbys nuts and 2 minute noodles.
 The crew hanging in the kitchen
 Aww Sahara..
 This was Nicks catch from fishing on the rocks a Spangled Emperor and a Dart, these fish were massive (that's a standard backyard plastic table)

Yummy lunch...
 The girls......from Quobba, saying goodbye was a tearful experience.
 This was the crew, they welcomed us, and spoilt us and fed us and gave us drinks (well Nick drinks) Tony took Nick out fishing and Gary shared his catch. We have left Quobba with a Engel full of Fish and many great memories. These guys are long term stayers, and do a months at a time. Cricket and Tony offered to pick us up if we wanted, in 2014, to fly in from Perth and set us up with all the camping gear so we could spend the time with them, they would drop us off at the end too. What was funny was as we were driving out we were making plans on how we could make it work for us, and what our other options were for 2014. We came for a night and paid for two, then decided to pay when we left (which was a week later) Magical, amazing spot... brilliant snorkeling, we have been warned its top notch here, and doesn't get much better.

We even spotted whales while at Quobba, Mothers and babies splashing around just outside the reef. Was great I saw one back at Horrock's and now have seen plenty. Wish we had the underwater camera still as the snorkeling was fantastic, we saw some stunning coral blues, pinks and purples. I never realized what a stunning underwater world there is just off shore. (particularly true for coral reefs) We got to swim with a turtle, and when or snorkel mask broke both Kaz and Cricket quickly offered us replacements. (Kaz even sent us off with one to keep as a parting gift.... awww) the fish were stunning and beautiful, Parrot fish and all sorts.

When we did end up leaving we found this 'lil roadside stop, red dirt, blue skies and put up the Annex.

As we are both snorkel Junkies now, we were both pumped to see this sign on the way in

We also had to stop for a quick pose here....
 and here....
Just got out of the water after a late arvo snorkel and loved every minute. The coral is so different it is like huge lettuce's but they are the size of a car. Its amazing how different the reefs can be such a short distance away from Quobba.

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